Hi, everyone! In this article, I write some reviews of 5 website about food and travel. Here I go. Will Fly for Food ( https://www.willflyforfood.net/ ) Will Fly for Food is a website containing blogs about travel, adventure, and food written by JB & Renèe. They are a married couple where Ren used to work as a travel agent in Beverly Hills and JB is still studying at the Academy of Art University. After getting married they now often go traveling and adventuring as well as eating a lot of food when traveling. JB & Renèe have visited many countries and blog about food and travel on their website. The appearance of the Will Fly for Food website is fairly easy to use because it uses a large enough font with clear and clear pictures. This website uses jargon that attracts readers with a crab background that looks appetizing. Below they briefly explain the contents of this website, comprehensive travel and food guides to help you plan your trip and eat like a local, which can b...
For you ice cream lovers, it won't be complete if you don't stop by Tempo Gelato when visiting Yogyakarta. Tempo Gelato is an outlet that serves a variety of typical Italian ice cream and is MUI halal certified. Apart from gelato, Tempo Gelato also provides sorbets. What is a sorbet? Sorbet has a similar appearance to gelato and ice cream, but sorbets only use fruit juice, syrup, sugar, soft ice and contain absolutely no cream or milk. So, sorbet is perfect for those of you who cannot digest dairy products or are allergic to milk. In addition, sorbet has a firmer and coarser texture with a fresher taste. Meanwhile, gelato is difficult to distinguish from ice cream because they have similar ingredients. However, gelato contains less fat and air because it is slowly made and churned by a machine. Gelato also has a dense texture but is softer than ice cream. Gelato is also served at a higher temperature to avoid a tough, hard-to-eat texture. More than 60 Flavors Ready for...